Sunday, March 30, 2014

"A principle to live by" The Road

     A principle that I and ny family lives by is to do what you love at all costs. Society makes it seem like doing ehat you love is important,  but if doing what you love is something that does not get you a sufficient amount of money then it should be put aside for something that does. And I feel like my family loves to follow that principle in life and they want me to follow that principle as well. They would probably expect that way of thinking to be passed down to my children and future generations of our family.
    Another principle that I personally live by is to never make someone feel how you would not want to feel. If I never want to be sad in a relationship/friendship then that rule would apply to the person I am in a relationship or friendship with. I believe that if you make someone feel a certain way, you should put yourself in that situation and see if you would be okay with that treatment or whatever your putting that person through. There are many small principles that I live by, and even if I don't live by them at the moment, some principles are important to me and I would wish to at some point follow in the future and be able to pass it down to my family and so on.