Friday, August 30, 2013


Maya Nicole Valentine is the name. I begin with a name and my name says a lot. Maya was chosen for me simply because of likes; however it makes me look into the Mayans and history of that situation. Everyone says the last name Valentine is very historical and cool too. So I have come to love my name. Whitney Young has become a place I can call a second home by now. The people and the activities, the vibe it gives to everyone who passes it, just make me realize what a great choice I made coming here. I am a dancer for life and I hope to continue dancing until I can’t anymore whether that is as a career or a hobby. Besides dancing I love almost anything that has to do with performing arts. Acting, singing, even drawing and painting are all passions of mine. I have always been the ‘artsy’ one of the bunch growing up and that is why coming to Whitney young helped me fit right in. I am a big people person and family oriented. Family is definitely before everything in my mind. I am known for hard work to a limit of where I know the word will actually lead me. When I grow up I would like to do something along the lines of journalism and/ or something in the psychological field. If none of those then definitely performing arts. If I could describe myself in one word it would simply be “difficult”, no easy choice can be made by me. It is hard for me to say a simple “yes” or “no” in any question. Second guessing is my first move when given a question. And with all of my small difficulties and with all of my passions and goals, I can only be me.

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