Thursday, September 12, 2013

Act 4 Crucible: John Proctor (A hero)

In act Four of the Crucible, John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth Proctor were basically the main characters. The debate of this act of the writing was whether John was a hero or a "stooge". In my opinion John Proctor was definitely a hero in this act. This is because although he battled with his wife on if he should confess also known as "lie" about actually "rolling with lucifer" he chose the side that in truth made him a better person than nearly everyone else in Salem who pointed their fingers to keep themselves from being executed or being charged with anything. Salem had a very contradicting rule; If you admit to the crime, your more better of than not. Although it may have seemed right in their eyes, it turned out to make the actual liers safer than the truthful people of Salem. John Proctor was one of those people not just in act four but throughout the whole story. He did have small problems towards certain people of Salem and he did have his flaws. However I would not call him a stooge over calling him a hero. He being a hero was due to his action of taking his unnecessary punishment of being hung. The only problem was his argument being mainly about his name to the people of Salem. Nonetheless, John Proctor stood his ground and did what he thought ws best and in a way, faught for his ideas. He did not reach to the low of lying to save his butt because the reality is that John Proctor, along with very few other people of the Crucible,  were true people of God.


  1. I agree with you. John did the right thing even though he had to battle with himself and his wife to make the right decision.

  2. Is John Proctor the hero of the play or the hero of act four? I feel you provided great evidence to support your claim that overall he was the hero in the Crucible.

  3. I totally agree with everything your saying but i think him being hung was more than his name being tarnished by the people of Salem but more about his name in God's eyes.

  4. John Proctor was definitely a hero. He took the road less taken and so did a few others. It was morally right especially because he didn't lie to save himself and thought of the consequences of his decision.
