Saturday, May 17, 2014

When bad things happened

Two days ago was her birthday. Two days ago she had the smiles and laughs. Two days ago she was 16. But two days after two days ago was unforgettable. It was the day that caused her lifelong hate for anything and everything. She went to her first through seventh period classes happy. The day itself was not the cause of her crying, her anger. A minute before she entered her eighth period class she got a phone call, a phone call of him being in jail. Her almost dying. Them being taken away from her. -“Yes this is she.” -“Were sorry to inform you that…” The phone dropped out of her hand. Fell down onto the tiled floor on the third floor of the main building. She froze… “Hello. Ma’am are you still there?” She looked around. Everything was a blur. Everything was gone. What would she do next? She picked up the phone slowly. -“Yes.” She responded -“You may find them at this facility, her at Rush hospital, Him at Cook County Jail.” There were tears down her eyes. “We are very sorry…” She hung up. She slowly slid her back down the wall directly to the right of her eighth period class’ door until she was sitting down with her knees by her face. She laid her face down onto her knees. Her phone rang. She threw it to the right of her. It landed seven feet from her; her screen was cracked into seven pieces. The phone still rang. She sat there for the whole period. The last bell rang. She finally stood up and walked toward her phone. *Seven missed calls* She picked her phone up placed it in her pocket. One asked what was wrong with her and passed by without an answer. She half ran to her car and got into the car. She began slamming her hands onto the steering wheel.She thought of the days where things were regular. When things were average and even pure. The days she missed the most were when they were all together. All together as one family. She wanted to know why this happened to her. She wanted to go back. But she could not and that was the reality. Everything was going to move on, but how would she move along with everything? She turned her car on and began to drive and think.She didn't know where to go first. So much came at once. There were many somethings missing from her life. Her life of being 17.

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