Thursday, May 15, 2014

WHO could this be. Resme?

Resme Nicole Valentine People drive down this road. They seek the happiness that the atmosphere gives. They can open their windows and such, to breathe in the air. The air is clear; it smells of well thoughts and happy endings. Through dark days and light ones people come down this road to breathe in this air and feel.. A family of two goes down this road. -“Mom why won’t you tell us where were headed” - “It’s a surprise Hun” - “But mom!” Resme screamed. She had anxiety. It was her and her brother’s spring break. They had a long break, about 2 and half weeks or so. Resme was the youngest, she was 14, and her older brother Zann was 17. -“Shut up Rez” Zann said while looking at his phone. He was on his phone all day and night. They’d been on the trip for about 2 days now. Resme mocked Zann silently. -“Whatever” Resme mumbled under her breath. She loved but did not like her brother, he rarely talked but when he did it was always negative or stupid to her. She wanted to get out of that car as soon as possible. It smelled of a mixture of old sweat socks from Zann and old lady perfume from her mother. Her dad was on a “business trip”. He had been on a “business trip” since she was 8, so she knew he wasn’t coming back. Zann took his headphones out of his ears. -“Ma I gotta pee, can we stop?” -“In a minute Zann there isn’t a bathroom for a while” -“Well who said I need a bathroom” Zann laughed at his own remark. But his mother didn’t, she looked at him with a straight face. -“You have to wait” Zann rolled his eyes and went back onto his phone. Twelve minutes later I looked over to Zann and he looked as if he was going to burst. His eyes closed shut and his body rocking with his feet on the seat of our minivan. -“Mom where is the next stop Zann looks like he might piss himself” I yelled while pointing at my dumb brother for not saying anything. -“You watch your mouth young lady” My mom looked back at me with a surprised look. I felt that the moment was needed of the vocabulary I chose so I felt no guilt. I chuckled, even. My mom stopped the car. I looked out of the window and saw a small building. Nothing there to explain what it was. I looked at my mom through the front view mirror with confusion, one eyebrow slowly rising higher than the other. -“What is this?” I asked. I felt that everything I said was very much so needed. Before I could get a response Zann jumped out of his seat and out of the car. He ran so quickly toward the building that my mom had no time to notice he left. Three minutes later when my mom finally looked up from her phone my brother was already back in. -“What is that place” I tugged on my brother while asking. -“Nothing” My brother quickly responded without emotion. What was the deal with these people, I thought. They had a tendency to not tell me anything. Was there a secret? Resme turned over to the right window where she was closest to and looked out to the building; she wondered what was in there. If there was really nothing in there. If her mother and brother were hiding things from her and if so why. She wanted answers. -“How much longer?” Resme asked in anger. She got no response. -“Mom!” Resme yelled with a slight frustrated tone. -“I don’t know Resme just sit back and entertain yourself” was the response. Resme pulled out her headphones and placed them onto her ears. She plugged the bottom of the chord into her I Pod. She turned her I pod to the playlist she had for the moments like these. It was the only playlist in her I Pod. They were the only songs on her I Pod

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